2017 Bluhm/Helfand Social Innovation Semi-Finalists
Chicago Ideas is thrilled to once again partner with the Bluhm/Helfand Social Innovation Fellowship to recognize social entrepreneurs under the age of 35 who are leading nonprofit and for-profit initiatives designed to make a positive social impact.
We are pleased to announce the 2017 Semi-Finalists who are each making waves in their individual fields. These remarkable individuals will be flown to Chicago to meet with our judging panel, in hopes of earning one of five Fellowship spots.
Explore their work below and stay tuned for the announcement of the 2017 Fellows in a few weeks.
Ankit Agarwal, 28; Kanpur, India: Helpusgreen
Chike Aguh, 33; Washington, D.C.: EveryoneOn
Jahmal Cole, 34; Chicago, IL: My Block, My Hood, My City
Brian Hill, 32; Chicago, IL: Edovo
Katherine Katcher, 32; Oakland, CA: Root & Rebound
Katie Meyler, 34; Bernardsville, NJ: More Than Me
Alex Niemczewski, 29; Chicago, IL: BallotReady
Daquan Oliver, 25; New York, NY: WeThrive
Rose Wang, 25; San Francisco, CA: Six Foods/Chirps
Stacie Whisonant, 35; Washington, D.C.: Pay Your Tuition (PYT) Funds
Stay tuned for the announcement of our 2017 BHSI Fellows on Monday, August 21, 2017. And save the date to see them on the Chicago Ideas Week stage, October 16-22, 2017.