This Week on the Internet

Here at Chicago Ideas, we’re constantly reading, researching and consuming—all as we work to put together a stellar lineup of programming. In Consumables, we share a few of our favorite places on the Internet each week.

Think we’ve left something out? Share the news, think pieces and trivia that most interested you this week in the comments.

From Pulitzer to PR

Pulitzer Prize Medal

The Pulitzer Prize is worth $10,000, but is it worth a career in print journalism?

So, how many Pulitzer Prize winners does it take to work in PR? At least two, the Columbia Journalism Review reports.

95 Percent Error Rate

We’re just going to let this quote from The Washington Post sink in: Over the past 20 years, there were “268 trials in which hair evidence was used against defendants. FBI examiners gave flawed testimony in 257.”

Investigating Trauma

Jon Krakauer’s investigation into Missoula, Montana—a football town called the “rape capital of America”—is being published early in light of the allegations against Rolling Stone. In an interview with Salon, Krakauer discusses why this book is the “most difficult thing [he’s] ever written.”

Have You Met…

Amy Schumer? The Peabody Award–winning comedian has sparked a million and one think pieces and has released her own piece that stands in contrast to the Rolling Stone debacle. 

Moneyball 2.0

The Nasty Factor just got, well, nastier

Welcome to the Dollhouse

It’s been an up and down week for women in Hollywood. First, Amy Pascal gets the kind of treatment no one deserves. Then, Neighbors actress Rose Byrne announced The Dollhouse Collective, which will aim to put women’s stories on screen. And as always, Geena Davis is still out there, championing for women in film.

Ancient Philosphy, Ancient Art, Ancient Abs

Yes, we talked to CIW 2012 Speaker Natalie Haynes about abs in ancient Greece.

Brooke Scheyer is the director of programming.

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