This Week on the Internet
This Week on the Internet, not only did my alma mater clear up a bit of information that would have been helpful for Jennifer Aniston 15 years ago, it also released the best harlem shake video out there. Okay, the video was released last week, big deal. Hook ’em Horns!
Disclaimer: Regarding her blanket statement regarding U of T owning the “best Harlem Shake video,” Brooke’s opinion does not necessarily reflect the opinions of her fellow colleagues. |
In any case, here are the five things we really can’t stop talking about this week are:
1. I think it’s the electric facial mask, Amy thinks it’s Crocs, Metra thinks it’s the Segway, and Kelly thinks it’s a Bumpit. What do you think is the worst invention ever?
2. You’ve all seen the video announcing Google Glass by now, and likely teetered somewhere between amazed and concerned about wearing a computer on your face. But good news – they’re about to team up with hip eyewear experts Warby Parker (whose co-founder Dave Gilboa happened to speak at CIW 2011).
3. This is the best article you will readabout Oscar Pistorius, Lance Armstrong, and the inherent problem of superstardom.
4. This message is important. And beautiful. And heartfelt. And artistic. And has the word pork chop in it.
5. If living in a world where Keanu Reeves is right is wrong, we don’t want to be right. (Read the full piece here).
Finally, thanks to Louis CK for this.
Have a great weekend!
Brooke is the Director of Programming for Chicago Ideas Week