This Week on the Internet
Here at Chicago Ideas, we’re constantly reading, researching and consuming—all as we work to put together a stellar lineup of programming. In Consumables, we share a few of our favorite places on the Internet each week.
Think we’ve left something out? Share the news, think pieces and trivia that most interested you this week in the comments.
Have you met…

Brent Schlender conducted one of only two joint interviews with Steve Jobs and Bill Gates. Now, Schlender will take part in a Chicago Ideas interview (& you can buy tickets!).
our upcoming CIW speakers Brent Schlender and Rick Tetzeli? No? Well, you’re in luck—buy your tickets now to hear them discuss Steve Jobs’ transition from a reckless upstart to a visionary leader to, now, a beloved icon. Get a taste for their unique insights into Jobs’ life—borne from Schlender’s 25-year friendship with the Apple CEO—in the Fast Company piece that became Becoming Steve Jobs.
Party Like It’s 1990
In 1990, the Flint Police Department pulled off the biggest sting operation since, well, 1973’s The Sting: They hosted a wedding and invited all of the county’s drug operatives. (And yes, The Wedding Sting may just be coming to a theater near you!)
Search for Justice
In a searing piece of investigative reporting, Jeffrey E. Stern looks at Oklahoma’s botched executions by lethal injections, examining the twists and turns—starting with the pharmaceutical suppliers and continuing to the Oklahoma court system—that led our entire country to reconsider the death penalty.
Witness to an Execution
Over in North Korea, Kim Jong Un allegedly had the country’s defense minister publicly executed. CNN explains why a high-profile military leader was suddenly deemed treasonous.
Maybe Yoko Ono’s Not to Blame?
If Yoko Ono stops being the butt of jokes, then what is her legacy? Her conceptual art, irreverent humor and almost prescient take on our society, says Lindsay Zoladz on Vulture.
Global News
The New York Times continues to expand its reach. Yes, there is that Facebook deal. But they’re also experimenting with translating some of their English language articles. First, last week’s nail salon expose appeared in English, Korean, Chinese and Spanish. This week, Sarah Lyall’s probing, tragic look at Brazilian olympian Lais Souza’s transition from gymnast to aerial skier appears in both English and Portuguese.
End of an Era
Yes, Mad Men is ending, and Matthew Weiner wants you to know your fan theory is probably just that—a theory. Even so, let’s go back, just for a minute, back to a simpler time before fan theories, before endless speculation, when Mad Men was just a glimmer in AMC’s eye.
Follow the Silk Road…
to Iceland, in part two to Wired’s silk road investigation.