
This Week on the Internet

Here at Chicago Ideas, we’re constantly reading, researching and consuming—all as we work to put together a stellar lineup of programming. In Consumables, we share a few of our favorite places on the Internet each week.

Think we’ve left something out? Share the news, think pieces and trivia that most interested you this week in the comments.


William Shatner’s motorcycle is cooler than yours.

Trolling Like It’s Your Job

Adrian Chen’s “The Agency,” in this week’s New York Times Magazine, reads like a next generation John LeCarre novel where brute force tactics have been replaced with a more subtle, equally insidious tactic: masterful, nearly undetectable, professional trolling.

“Hey, Cool Flickr Set of Moroccan Sheep”

The New Yorker published  a rabbit hole of a piece, starting with Alice in Wonderland, traveling through those Flickr accounts full of sheep and ending with a reflection on the importance of becoming ever “curioser and curioser.”

Can’t It Wait Until Lunch?

The 71-year-old journalist who kicked off investigations in FIFA responded to the first rash of media inquiries perfectly.

Symbolic Threats

The Economist provides context around why ISIS’s attack on Palmyra carried so much symbolic weight.

Caitlyn, with a C

Caitlyn Jenner’s cover story has become an important cultural, educational moment.

To Boldly Go Where…Many…Have Gone Before

Yes, that is William Shatner on that motorcycle.

Erin Robertson is managing editor at Chicago Ideas.

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