This Week on the Internet
Here at Chicago Ideas, we’re constantly reading, researching and consuming—all as we work to put together a stellar lineup of programming. In Consumables, we share a few of our favorite places on the Internet each week.
Think we’ve left something out? Share the news, think pieces and trivia that most interested you this week in the comments.
“We needed that moment.”
Bree Newsome, who scaled the South Carolina statehouse flag pole to take down the Confederate flag and who director Ava DuVernay called a real-life “black superhero,” talked to Good Morning America about how she hopes to help usher in a brighter, more equal future.
Cable Access TV: It’s Not Just for School Budget Meetings Anymore
Stephen Colbert isn’t just out to revive Late Night‘s faltering ratings. Yesterday, with a little help from his friend Eminem, Colbert brought new life to Michigan cable access television.

How did Anthony Rizzo complete a double steal and avoid the tag? One word: magic.
It’s Magic
Yesterday was a great day for Chicago baseball, and the most magical moment of all goes to the Cubs’ Anthony Rizzo and his ninja slide. (Here’s your friendly reminder that CIW is a split clubhouse itself.)
Winton’s Children
Nicholas Winton, who died this week in England at the age of 106, helped orchestrate the rescue of 669 children from the holocaust. His story, recounted in a New York Times obituary, will give you chills.
Seriously, When Will the Robots Take Over?
With Google’s latest chat-bot, which has a ready answer to the meaning of life, the robot apocalypse seems nigh.
It’s the end of a short week, and what better way to end it than to TG for T.G.I. Fridays. No, seriously, The New Yorker celebrates T.G.I. Friday’s invention of the…drum roll, please…singles bar.
The 40-year photo drought is over. First Lady Michelle Obama gleefully announced that you can now bring your cameras and phones on public White House tours.
The Tweet Heard ‘Round the World
I think we all know what we’re talking about. (It’s peas.)
Hopelessly Devoted to Food
This week on the blog, we talked food with The Infatuation and became infatuated with the restaurant review site ourselves: a summer guide to Chicago treats? Yes, please.