Blue Dress - That Dress

This Week on the Internet

Here at Chicago Ideas, we’re constantly reading, researching and consuming—all as we work to put together a stellar lineup of programming. In Consumables, we share a few of our favorite places on the Internet each week.

Think we’ve left something out? Share the news, think pieces and trivia that most interested you this week in the comments.

Break the Internet

We can hear Kim Kardashian now: All it takes is a picture of a dress?!? And, yes, Kim, this one little picture reminded us of the power of a blue (yes, blue!) dress. Now, we’re just sitting back and watching the scientific think pieces roll in.

Dreams of Yesterday

Vulture translated and compiled the best of Haruki Murakami’s online advice column, and the results are as singular and affecting as his novels. You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll sing along with him to Ray Charles…

Identity Politics

CIW speaker Zoe Dolan talked to us about her outspoken Huffington Post series on transgender identity, sex change surgery and the overlap between the personal and professional.

What Makes a Person?

Tommy the chimpanzee would certainly like to know. As researchers continue to identify remarkable similarities between animal and human brains, how do we need to rethink our relationship to our furry friends?

GMOs to the Rescue?

We’ve long heard that the solution to hunger around the world could  be the very thing we blame for the degradation of our food system in the US. But the considerations for solving our global food shortage go far beyond this, as Bill Gates explores in his continued February guest spot on The Verge.

Brooke Scheyer is the director of programming.

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