Syndio Social’s Andee Harris Helps Organizations Find Solutions

“How do we make our organizations perform better?”  This is the question that drew CIW Co-op member Andee Harris to Syndio Social, a Chicago-based software company founded in 2009.  Today, Harris provides answers to that question daily in her role as Senior Vice President of Client Success.

Andee Harris.

 Started by Northwestern student Zachary Johnson, the driving-force behind Syndio Social is the merging of the academic with the corporate.  Through data analysis and consulting services, Syndio Social brings the findings of social networking research—a line of research that had been confined to the Ivory Tower—directly to organizations.
“It’s the idea of really creating solutions for our client,” Harris said, adding, “all of those solutions are different depending on what our client is seeking.”
This may mean mining the client’s data to pinpoint which employees contribute most to a company’s growth—those who are widely viewed as helpful to coworkers or who work as ambassadors for the company. Or it may translate into helping the client leverage its outside connections for marketing purposes. 
“It adds a level of transparency…. It really looks at the organization holistically,” she explained of the Syndio Social approach.  It’s not just about making a company more efficient.  It also can improve corporate culture and may even be able to prevent disruptive office gossip.  After all, when corporations correctly identify the most helpful employees, coworkers won’t wonder, Why did she get promoted?, Harris notes.  
“Clients have three levers they can pull: people, process or technology…. The only lever I really see that is game-changing is the people—getting the right people in the right roles doing the right activities,” she said.
It certainly seems that Harris has found the right role herself at Syndio Social.  A self-described “jack of all trades” with a technology consulting and a sales and marketing background, Harris draws on both skill sets in her day-to-day work, as well as in her work in the Chicago community more broadly.

“I look at [Chicago] from a tech perspective,” Harris said.  “Chicago is just this awesome hub of wonderful things happening in our tech community.”

Erin Robertson is managing editor at Chicago Ideas.

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