5 Ways You Can Help Curb Wrongful Convictions in the United States


Every year, thousands of innocent people across the United States are put behind bars. Wrongful convictions reveal gaping holes in the American criminal justice system, and steal years from people who have never committed a crime.

But how can you help solve the issue? Here are five simple ways to get involved, contribute or simply spread awareness of the shameful state of wrongful convictions in America.

Click here to read more about the problem of wrongful convictions in America.

  1. Donate to the Innocence Project, an organization that aims to exonerate and support innocent people who are stuck behind bars.
  2. Help support Chicago-based exonerees by donating goods and services by way of the Exoneration Project.
  3. Vote for government officials who are looking to make prosecutors more accountable for wrongful convictions and help fix the criminal justice system as a whole. You can find more information on your local elections via BallotReady.
  4. Write to your congressperson and pressure them to push for reform that will help curb the number of innocent people who are incarcerated.
  5. Spread the word about this issue. Share the Innocence Project‘s podcast and newsletter, spread news out of the University of Michigan’s Innocence Clinic and other organizations of the like or start a dialogue with your peers about the scale of the problem.

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