8 Quotes from Chicago Ideas That Inspired Us in 2016
Chicago Ideas had a big year in 2016. We expanded our community of curiosity, put on a series of events that inspired action in communities and cities across the country and sparked connections between thousands of people in Chicago and beyond.
Chicago Ideas is all about inspiring action and making a direct impact on people’s lives. With that in mind, we compiled eight quotes from Chicago Ideas Members, attendees, speakers on moments that moved them over the past year.
“It’s tough to inspire a crowd like this, but I don’t think I saw one person who was not fully transported during the choir performance.”—Brett Dobbs, Chicago Ideas Co-op Member
“What excites me about the Brain Trust is that we tackle the gaps. What aren’t people discussing, or what vantage point is not represented, and we focus on that.”—Israel Idonije, former Chicago Bear & Chicago Ideas Brain Trust Member
“The closest state to achieving bliss is helping another human being.”—THINX Founder Miki Agrawal at Chicago Ideas Week’s Edison Talks
“Build your own power. Don’t wait for someone to give it to you.” —Bridget Gainer, Commissioner, Cook County
“It wasn’t one thing that stood out, it was the ability to craft your own combination of events that worked for you.”—Chicago Ideas Member
“How we develop character as a human is judged by the decisions we make under pressure.”—Actor Bryan Cranston at Chicago Ideas Week
“The amount of fun you have in these Labs shows how much fun you can have in the future.” —Javontay Peoples, Chicago Ideas YOU(th) Ambassador
“It’s always important to consider that ironclad laws don’t always lead us in the right direction.”—Fagan Harris, BHSI Fellow & President and CEO, Baltimore Corps