5 Talks on How to Hack Your Brain
In the midst of shelter-in-place, everything familiar about daily life has gone out the window. Information changes rapidly and dramatically, many familiar activities have come to a standstill, and if you’re new to it, work-from-home requires a completely new approach to time-management and work-life-balance. Whether you have been laid-off, are managing the stress of work as an essential employee, or are worrying about your loved ones in either of those situations, a lot of people are experiencing similar feelings right now.
But you have the power to change this with a simple tool that everyone carries with them: the brain. You just have to learn how to approach this new frontier with careful and deep examination. These talks will inspire you to think about new ways to solve problems, be productive, have fun, learn new things, and connect with others during this challenging time. The ways in which you do this can help you not only deal with the challenges of now, but also discover strength that can remain long after shelter-in-place is lifted.
The Organized Mind
Now more than ever, Americans are faced with a constant flow of new and developing information. But what are we supposed to do with all that data? Neuroscientist Daniel Levitin has the answer and explains what happens to your brain on information overload. In this talk he explores why multitasking is a myth and what you can do to better organize your mind for when you’re focusing on home, work, and beyond.
Take In the Good
Dr. Rick Hanson explains how the things we think about actually change the neural structure of our brains. With this talk, learn why negative experiences stick more in our minds than positive ones and how you don’t need to view the world with rose-colored glasses to be intentional about varying your focus for positive results.
What Is Music’s Effect on Our Bodies and Brains?
In this fascinating interview, Grammy-winning soprano Renée Fleming explains the connection between music and our brains, which are “hard-wired” for processing it and shares cutting-edge research that reveals how music may actually help the body endure pain and heal.
Creativity in the Rearview
Scott Heimendinger, director of Applied Research at Modernist Cuisine and co-founder of Sansaire, wants you to embrace what your mind is most interested in—you never know when it will pay off. Learn about how, when you allow time to get lost doing what you love, you strengthen muscles in your brain, which becomes the backbone of your future successes.
Memory & Meaning: How to Let Your Mind Shape Your Future
As one of few people in the world born with Superior Autobiographical Memory, Marilu Henner can recall nearly every detail of every day of her life. In this energetic talk, she explains how focusing on building a strong autobiographical memory is the most powerful defense we have against meaninglessness. Learn tricks that lead not only to a better memory, but meaningful decisions and a more complete understanding of your life.