In honor of Pride Month, here are some LGBTQ organizations to celebrate year-round
Every June marks the start of LGBTQ Pride Month, which is timed as both a remembrance of the Stonewall riots—which took place on June 28,1969, and is considered an early benchmark in the LGBTQ rights movement—and a celebration of all the ground that’s since been gained. This weekend, Chicago Pride Parade will flood the streets of Chicago as a celebration the progress that’s been made while reminding people of the community’s ongoing fight for visibility and equality. With that in mind, Chicago Ideas has rounded up a few local organizations that people can get involved with to continually support the LGBTQ community throughout the year.
Center on Halsted
Though the Center on Halsted open its doors in 2007, it had been around in various forms—and functioning under different names—since 1973. Its current location offers a plethora of services meant to promote LGBTQ health through activities such as volleyball and dance while building a community support by offering services such as group therapy and vocational training. Not only that, it serves an incubator to other LGBTQ-focused nonprofits, offering support and space to organizations that may not otherwise have the means to grow. Learn more about volunteer opportunities and how to make charitable donations here.
Project Fierce
Since April of 2013, Project Fierce has been fighting LGBTQ youth homelessness. Given that LGBTQ youth often face disenfranchisement from their families and peers—as Dan Savage highlighted in a previous Chicago Ideas Talk—Project Fierce gives them a place to turn to in order to keep them in stable housing situations. Project Fierce is always in need of volunteers that can help with everything from cleaning the house to social media executions, so it’s easy to get involved and remain active in whatever way works best for you.
Chicago House
Chicago House was initially founded in 1985 as a non-profit that provided housing for those suffering from HIV and AIDS. While that remains a focus of Chicago House’s mission, the organization has expanded to include those struggling with LGBTQ disenfranchisement, poverty, homeless and gender non-conformity by providing housing, medical and legal services as well as HIV prevention to those in need. Chicago House is always accepting donations, and now is as good a time as any.
For a robust list of LGTBQ organizations, please visit Chicago LGBT Services.