The Local Look: Bare Feet Power Yoga
Robin French started Bare Feet Power Yoga in 2012 with the aim of creating a “warm, welcoming and friendly neighborhood yoga studio.” And warm it is—all rooms are kept at a constant 90 degrees, after all—and over the years, French has seen her community grow into an empowering, connected network. French shared how Chicago helped create a yoga studio that’s more than just about downward facing dog.
Why did you choose Chicago? Tell us about what it means to be a nonprofit in Chicago.
I moved around when I was growing up, but once I landed in Chicago I knew this was the city I wanted to be for a long time. It felt like home. I love everything about this city: the people, the food, the culture and all of the different neighborhoods. I’m proud to own a business in Chicago because I feel like I’m making a difference in my neighbor and community.
If you could go back in time before you became involved in running the business and share one piece of advice with yourself, what would you tell yourself?
Don’t sweat the small stuff. Things will go wrong, but in the end everything will work out and most of the time it’s not that big of a deal.
What are your next steps?
I’m working to expand the BFPY brand in many different ways right now. Currently we are developing a new teacher training for 2016 and we are constantly developing new workshops and programs throughout the year.
We want to be in the know! Name one person, place or thing that you think is one of Chicago’s best-kept secrets—a secret until now, of course.
My summer secret is the Union Park Pool on Ashland Ave. and Lake St. (editor’s note: save this tip; you’ll need it come July). It’s a 50-meter public pool and there is never anyone there! Many times when I go there, I’m the only one swimming. It’s glorious.
Q&As are edited for clarity and length.