Horizon Pharma’s #RAREis Campaign is Giving Children a Voice Through Song

Chicago Ideas Partner Horizon Pharma created the #RAREis initiative to raise awareness of the faces and stories of people living with rare disease. During the last year, some of these stories have been put to song. Through Horizon’s partnership with Sing Me a Story Foundation, children living with rare illnesses are writing their stories and having them turned into personalized songs.

Meet Ja’cori.

Ja’cori lives with Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD), a rare primary immune deficiency affecting the body’s ability to fight off infections for certain fungi and bacteria. Despite his diagnosis, Ja’cori’s enthusiasm and resilience can be a lesson to us all. Experience what’s it like to capture the imagination of a child through song in this heartwarming video, then download, donate, share (or all three!) at—and our Partner Horizon Pharma will match your donation up to $5,000.

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