An Intro-level, Parent-friendly Guide to Joining Ideas Chats on Twitter
So what’s an Ideas Chat anyway?
Glad you asked! For one hour on Twitter, Chicago Ideas teams up with an engaging co-host to hold an interactive conversation on a topic they’re passionate about. It could be Mental Floss talking about fascinating facts, or A Drink With getting into icebreakers and networking. To keep the conversation roaring, Chicago Ideas and the co-hosts think up an engaging topic and take turns asking and answering stimulating questions tweeted out every ten minutes. Followers (that’s you!) get in on the action by sharing relevant articles, thoughts and their own questions with our hosts in a real-time chat.
Where do I start?
First, you do need a Twitter handle, that’s what the social media savvy call an account, mom and dad. Second, you’ll want to stay in the know by following Chicago Ideas on social media. We announce chats ahead of time on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Just follow us and we’ll keep you in the loop!
How do I join the conversation?
Let’s take it step-by-step. Don’t worry, don’t be intimidated, do join in!
- Get on Twitter! When the time arrives for the chat to begin, hop on Twitter, that’s where Ideas Chats live, after all.
- Follow the #ideaschat hashtag. Once you’re logged in, enter “#ideaschat” on Twitter’s search bar. This ensures that you get to see everything and everyone contributing to the chat.
- Most importantly, participate! Ideas Chats are fueled by you. It’s your chance to engage with the hosts, Chicago Ideas and our community. As you follow along throughout the hour, you can weigh in on a host’s question, add a great article to the conversation, ask the host something yourself and even get playful. There’s no wrong way to participate in an Ideas Chat but you must include “#ideaschat” within anything you tweet. Thats how you stay connected and make sure your ideas are seen.
What if this still sounds confusing?
Fret not! This will all make a lot more sense once you dive in and watch it unfold. For the social media adverse, or even this writer’s tech-challenged, but very bright mother, you too can master the chat, connect with incredible hosts and contribute to lively conversation.